
Diamond I from on October 15th, 2022
cp-ur 630 + cp-sr 780
40 cards

Notes & Combos

  1. This is designed for the current meta, so certain techs like "Cosmic Cyclone" and "Twin Twisters", while they are useful in most matchups they specifically are quick play spells that you can play in the standby phase to backrow removal against floow before they can activate their trap in the main phase. This is particularly useful if you are going second against floow because your traps aren't primed and you'll get crushed by Raiza and The Unexplored Winds before they are live. Strong against other meta-common stuff (Force Branded in Red to dodge chimera before setting, kill blackout, pendulum hate, banish eldlich traps in the mirror to stop their engine starting, etc).

  2. TCBOO at 3 because of the prevalence of Floow, Swordsoul, Cyberse post-"Cosmic Ocean"/Salam Structure. Hits you but it hits them harder and you can use an eldlich in grave to get out of it on your turn if you can finish.

  3. Why so little Eldlich engine? This is a floodgate/trap deck FIRST. Eldlich engine is very reliant on certain things for its cards to do stuff, the effects are nice but primarily its to protect you, assist your core-control, and finish.

  4. URs you could cut without a significant loss. N'tss down to 2, Pleiades, Zeus, Crackdown. The rest is kind of important for finishing, this meta, consistency. If Floow frequency dies down again you can cut a tcboo and some backrow hate for Dimensional Barrier's to target the Branded + Swordsoul meta, its what i ran before.

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