
Diamond I from on October 6th, 2022
cp-ur 960 + cp-sr 510
40 cards

Notes & Combos

#First of all, its pendulum deck you cant play handtrap. that's why i play TTT that could help go 1st or 2nd. the reason i don't play mythical beast engine because its literally scale 4 that stuck there forever when get ashed, unless you electrum to destroy it. but its good for going 2nd with free 2800 atk banish or search garuda. spellbook judgment variant also sucks because you need to play a lot of OPT spell with the risk of draw all of them and no left in the deck. there's no situation where you need card like IP/unicorn/apollo

#Turn 1 end board ideally: buster lock, Selene, Jackal, Vortex, 1 - 3 master (depending on how many master you draw) + village if you draw it

#Turn 2 try to eat their interuption with the help of anima/lyna/dharc/TTT then destroy everything with master eff. if you cant otk them, then setup for buster lock.


-TTT & small world are soft spot. you can change with anything. restage package preferable

-buster lock is no 1 priority even under maxx c. auto win against branded, swordsoul, adamancipator, etc. use your negate to protect it

-send reflection for souls cost > summon with selene > sheep > vortex > selene no 2

-most of the time, you summon abductor with servant to search souls & bait negates before electrum

-use abductor pend eff > destroy with electrum > add same card from extra > scale again > profit

-if you desperate, norm sum buster turn into anima which is spellcaster & go off

Player id: 298-954-169

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