
Diamond I from on October 13th, 2022
cp-ur 930 + cp-sr 210
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Shoutouts to Cards&CoffeeTCG for their videos on Branded Tri-Brigade and

They were great tutorials for the combos this deck can do on Turn 1.

Tech choices explanation:

-Cbtg, Crossout, and Gamma were all necessary to maximize any chances to counter handtraps. With a really good hand, you could fight through 1 interruption, but 2 would stop most hands cold.

-1 Veiler is there as a Crossout target, but still useful when drawn.

-HFD and Lightning Storm are great for the meta since most meta decks has some backrow to varying degrees. At times, they auto-win some matchups.

-Omega as a way to make use and clear out the board of Psy-Frames you summoned on your turn and punish your opponent for attempting to stop your combos. I've seen decks run 2 Ferrijit for an extra body to make for Verte, but Double Dragon Lords can do this job too when needed.

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