Umi Control

Diamond I from on October 31st, 2022
cp-ur 510 + cp-sr 720
41 cards

Notes & Combos

My Diamond 1 writeup. Was really excited to play this deck and was pleasantly surprised it was this strong.

Opted to run no handtraps to maximize consistency. Opted to run TCBOO and while it can be hit or miss, I think it hits more than it misses. Won me many games vs floo. (but will be useless vs branded which I faced a lot more often).

Speaking of branded, if you destroy mirrorjade during YOUR TURN, its destruction effect would go off last so you cant use sea stealth to evade it. But if you destroy it during their turn, you can use sea stealth to evade the destruction.

Evenly was supposed to be good but I could only remember a couple of games where I actually used it. I was expecting more eldlich and marincess but they never came that much. eldlich games were all wins as long as they dont skill drain. (so maybe more solemn judgements are welcome, that card I remember saving me many times). You can also replace it with the torrential tribute package.

My original list had Giga Gagagigo but had to remove him sadly because he ended up in my hand way too much. replaced with third copy of Warrior of Atlantis. General Raiho is interesting. I could have won many games if I just summoned him a turn earlier. But in practice, his use was limited (but I still think something to summon off of whale is essential).

Diamond 5 to D1 journey stats: 45 games, W-L: 30-15 ; Went first 30/45. Coin toss h/t: 30/15 ; 66.66% winrate.

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