Diamond I from on September 30th, 2022
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 690
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Typical Endboard consists of ABC-Dragon Buster and Cyberdragon Infinite and/or Wandering Gryphon Rider with an assortment of hand traps. Requires only two cards (B-Buster or A-Assault + Union Hangar or Unauthorized Reactivation) to achieve ABC CDI combo. Best possible Turn 1 board is PSY Omega, ABC Dragon Buster, Cyber Dragon Infinite and Wandering Gryphon Rider + Adventure token. If you get to turn 3, almost every game can be ended by an Accesscode line enabled by ABC tribute during opponent's Main or End Phase. Daigusto Emeral is recommended even with ABC at 2, but can be replaced by Tired Tapir (although its use is far more niche and I would not recommend it since ABC at 2 ate up the Extra Deck slot Tapir used to occupy).

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