
Diamond I from on September 15th, 2022
cp-ur 960 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Pretty staple for a lot of things, the core of twins is pretty tight.

Droplet is also mandatory at 3 for me, its utility going first is good since snitch stays on field and it's basically a free imperm. Going second, it's exceptional since you can use the first summoned twin/any quick play cards as part of your cost to not pitch your whole hand, dodge imperm/veiler/targeting in general, and bring the other twin out of deck for its effect to continue your combo.

My take was accepting you lose some backrow matchups to run more favorable handtraps. For most decks (particularly despia, floo, ss tenyi/pile variants), this makes ghost and lancea exceptionally good in this format. Protecting sunny from called is incredible as well. Veiler at a higher count is awful when you get d shiftered or go against hero/ shenshen since it already makes all 3 copies of your droplet dead as well with no send to GY. I chose to max out on droplets and cut back veiler for this reason.

I still think 2 frost is the way to go, and came up more than once. Helps leave red twin in deck for a higher chance at drawing a starter in grindier games and it usually acts as an upstart.

I see knightmare gryphon on some lists, which is fine since it gives you exact lethal in a link 4 for a turn 3 OTK, but Abomination is almost always more useful for pops and sitting on gryphon instead of sunny turn 1 is bad.


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Player id: 928-702-885

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