
Diamond I from on September 18th, 2022
cp-ur 930 + cp-sr 270
40 cards

Notes & Combos

I specifically pulled Adventurer cards to play them in Zoodiac, and I finally got them into Diamond 1.

Here's an explanation of some of my tech options:

  • 8 Zoodiacs was the perfect ratio to see them in your opening hands without clogging on too many. I just prioritized seeing the ones that enabled my combos more. 8 Zoodiacs, 2 Tenki, 1 Enchantress (I know it's not at 1 YET atm), 1 Foolish, and 2 Rite make 14 starters which I think is a perfectly acceptable count.

  • Ogre is there to beat Adventurer and is generic enough to be main decked in a Bo1 format.

  • 1 Nibiru as a way to make Maxx "C" more threatening against decks brave enough to take the challenge.

  • HFD/LS are backrow wipes that instantly win you many matchups on top of being great at dealing with set generic cards.

  • Pot of Prosperity digs for whatever you need, and the only card this conflicts with is Thoroughblade which already doesn't work on the same turn Rite is activated.

  • Droplet answers many boards in a way no other card in the game can. Thankfully, Branded Despia is one of the few decks that doesn't like this card being flipped on them.

  • Megaclops can auto-win Branded Despia and some other decks so long as they don't draw an out.

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