Diamond V from on August 29th, 2022
cp-ur 330 + cp-sr 870
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Hi my names is FafNir Master Duel , newbie yugituber, I make guide videos for some deck in master duel, I will make a D/D/D guide soon including doing the combo under droll effects

if you want to see of the gameplay of this D/D/D deck here is the link :


here is the link to the video of this used deck : coming soon!

I keep it at 40 for consistency and the handtraps that I used just mostly counter for todays meta like

►Token Collector : to counter adventurer deck

►Droll : counter most combo deck, it can be use to counter maxx c on ur turn, since this D/D/D deck can combo under droll effect (not adding any card to hand)

►Ash : typical Maxx c counter and most combo deck

and the good thing all of them can be used by Small world to search missing D/D combo pieces on your hand

and as u see the deck is banlist legal

►1 crossout means nothing its just make the deck less consistent by add the needed handtraps, instead of it I bring prohibition, cheaper one

►1 prosperity also means nothing since its a bad searching card for D/D/D

►why use Vice king Requiem?

is the 1 card non-normal summon combo into zeus when going second

and as u can see its CHEAPEST D/D/D deck in Diamond 5 and Banlist Legal as well!

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