
Diamond V from on December 16th, 2022
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 600
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Felt like I needed to fine tune the list a bit more in contrast to my previous one due to Labrynth and Runick spam recently. Maxx C isn't cutting it in these match ups and would much rather main deck 3x Cosmic Cyclones + HFD to deal with backrow decks. Ofc, if in your games you aren't seeing these decks against you then play Maxx C yourself or 2x Maxx & 1 Triple Tactics is another thing I can recommend. Try not to sacrifice monster fairy count as you want Orange Light to be live as much as possible. Turn 1 against Despia will just instawin you the game with Kristya as most of the time they cannot deal with it, most forms of their removal needs special summons (Super Poly) and also you very rarely will lose to Numeron or 8 Axis if you get Kristya online which is quite easy with this list. Can fare well against going 2nd Despia also, ofc Called by the grave for branded in red helps a ton. Also if Mirrorjade is going to banish something on your turn and they dump either Albion or Lubellion a good thing you can do if you forsee it going to a turn 3 is to banish the Albion/Lubellion from their GY with Majesty Hyperion and it will deny them the search at the end of the turn since they need either Dragon to be in the GY on turn end and Majesty Hyperion can help with that.


If you want replays -

Player ID: 637-289-571

A couple replays are live, will update and add more periodically and thanks!

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