Branded Predaplant

Diamond V from on December 26th, 2022
cp-ur 690 + cp-sr 510
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Small changes from my Duelist Cup list,mainly cutting handtraps to test out Patchwork engine and it has performed really well for me so far.

Droplet is my 40th card could be whatever really,you can up the count by cuting Pot/Foolish/Duster or cut it completely for an extra Chain/Patchwork if you like.Tripe Tactics Talent could be nice as well.

Chimerafflesia is needed in some hands to combo off like when you open Byblisp+Patchwork,can be swaped for Millenium-Eyes for an extra protection especially if you are running Despia engine.


My Master Duel ID: 578-960-703

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