
Diamond V from on December 15th, 2022
cp-ur 630 + cp-sr 810
42 cards

Notes & Combos

This list is the result of much testing and many deck variants. Labrynth deck notes:

  • [Lovely Labrynth of the Silver Castle]x2, [Labrynth Stovie Torbie]x2, [Labrynth Chandraglier]x2, [Archfiend's Ghastly Glitch]x3, [Absolute King Back Jack]x3 is the best ratio.

  • [Torrential Tribute] and [Ice Dragon's Prison] are restrictive and not consistent (at 0 each).

  • [Ash Blossom] and [Maxx "C"] at 3 each is a must (there are no better cards for the deck in this meta).

  • [Dimensional Barrier]x3, [Lord of the Heavenly Prison]x2, [Trap Trick]x0 ratios can be tested further (but this seems like the best option).

  • Extra deck is not yet optimized.

Newer player tips:

  • any card that adds or special summons from the deck shuffles the deck wasting the second effect of [Absolute King Back Jack].

  • counter traps and continuous traps are diffrent from normal traps and do not work with Labrynth cards or [Trap Trick].

  • [Elder Entity N'tss], [Wind Pegasus @Ignister], [Fossil Warrior Skull Knight] and extra deck monsters with more than 4000 attack are used for [Dogmatika Punishment] effect.

  • [Salamangreat Almiraj], [Relinquished Anima], [Linkuriboh] are used in your turn to send [Absolute King Back Jack] to the GY to activate its effect when you don't have other ways to discard (only 1 card of this type is enough becouse they are UR).

Player id: 590-668-607

  • Replay1: vs Branded Despia

  • Replay2: vs P.U.N.K Runick

  • Replay3: vs Grass Looks Greener Eldlich

  • Replay4: vs Pendulum

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