Traptrix Dogmatika

Diamond V from on December 17th, 2022
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 450
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Same deck that I ran in the December 2022 DC for stage 1.

So far, unless if you open Anti-Spell/Solemn Judgment for safe measures, Runick is an issue. If you want, you can try out Imperial Iron Wall or EEV, however, at the moment, I feel like those might be bricky, as if you don't get Prison and are able to keep it, EEV is dead. Iron Wall isn't the worst though, however, it's another non-normal trap that does not protect Sera. Out of 20~ games today, I think I saw 4-5 Runick decks, so it might be worth adding more direct counters in.

Everything else is still the same as always. The deck is tough going second unless if they have a slower opener or if Ash/Imperm are able to stop them, however, most decks nowadays have a handful of extenders. If your opponent opens up a negate or 2, it basically makes you hope you open Torrential/Strike or something of that nature to clear the field before getting going next turn. Otherwise, it's tough.

The climb from Plat 5 - Diamond 5 this season wasn't the worst though. [at least it was tons better than last season] I don't believe I lost a ton of games in a row ever and in my past 20 games, at most, it was w/l/w/l/w/l and primarily the losses were when I lost the flip.

Not sure how much I'll try to get Diamond 1 though, depending on how I feel up to it / how matches go.

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