
Diamond V from on January 15th, 2023
cp-ur 990 + cp-sr 600
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Player ID: 973-115-336

1 Card combo to summon Cactus Bouncer. Combo also makes it untargetable, indestructible by battle, and have 3 or 4 interruptions on top.

Then watch your opponent squirm because they can't special summon anything.

The max combo (2-card, Unexpected Dai + Lonefire or Laurel or Angelica or Snowdrop or Cactus or Lily) can make in one turn: Cactus, Benghalancer, Sweet Marjoram, Rosewhip, Regulus, Bloom and Blessed Winds.

The deck has 13 Loci searchers, for a total of 16 cards that do the combo. You can drop the decksize to 40 if you want more consistency, but you lose a lot of hand traps.

Sweet Marjoram makes all plants untargetable, which makes it very difficult to remove Cactus Bouncer, and requires non-targetting techs like Lightning Storm, Raigeki, Forbidden Droplet, Evenly Matched or Dark Ruler No More. Although some backrow cards like Skill Drain, Gozen Match, There Can Be Only One and Zombie World also counter the deck very strongly as well.

Branded Despia doesn't have an out to the Cactus, and it's hilarious watching them try to crash Aluber into Cactus, while Cactus is indestructible by battle if Aromaseraphy Jasmine is pointing to it.

Runick spells also can't do much once Cactus and Sweet Marjoram are both on the field, but they do play floodgates that beat the deck.

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