Branded Despia

Diamond V from on January 21st, 2023
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 570
45 cards

Notes & Combos

Changes I would make/Comments:

  • Could add a 3rd Poly and maybe a Snow (though ive never missed her), feels like there is less and less stun flying around and remove the cosmic cyclones
  • Maybe switch Mudragon to Starving Venom, since Starving can hit Mathmech, towers cards, and other generic dark stuff
  • Second Lubellion like never came up
  • Gamma is so nice more people should play this package, it's also a light target if you like Albion fusing
  • 45 ish cards felt like the perfect number to have a bunch of tech slots, while also still being incredibly consistent with max engine and never drawing into duplicates
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