Cyber Dragon

Diamond V from on January 6th, 2023
cp-ur 930 + cp-sr 630
45 cards

Notes & Combos

Had to ditch the Corridor tech cuz while it's incredibly funny, it's just not worth it as even if you draw it vs Runick it's not an auto win and against most other decks it's worse than pretty much any other card you could draw. Decided to patch the hole in the ED with Mud for now, still pretty much never summon this but with Adams being pretty popular atm eating Apo & Baronne/Block + Naturia Beast etc. would at least theoretically be a good use.

Decided to go from 2 to 3 Albaz just so there is a smaller chance all your copies get banished by Runick. Surprisingly drawing it more often has also generally been more of a positive than a negative, but somewhat small sample size of games so might not be the overall better choice.

Also went from 2 to 3 Chaos Hunter because it's the best card in the game. If you think that's not really true just draw it vs. Runick T1 every game like me so you can just win 100% of your games against that accursed deck.

Cut Tragedy due to just being able to use Chaos Hunter for Lubellion and drawing it has felt incredibly bricky while it's effects have rarely had any impact. Definitely would play more Despia cards & the Patchwork engine if Runick wasn't so oppressive, as they are better in general than Chaos Hunter, but Fountain at 3 with floodgates legal sadly ensures a fair and conductive dueling environment.

Running 1 Nib with 1 Maxx-C has felt really good to play, its a bit funky to just run 1 but what is good deck building.


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