
Diamond V from on January 2nd, 2023
cp-ur 960 + cp-sr 270
40 cards

Notes & Combos

My ID for replays : 254-634-925

I found really good synergy between Mekk-Knights and Scareclaws, you can bait out your opponent resources with the Mekk-Knights and then go for Tri-Heart OTK, most games ended in 1 turn.

Pinpoint landing is really good 1 of.

You can add crossout and TTT, i didn't get maxx cd often so i cut crossout for Pank

2x Purple and 2x Blue is the best ratio i found for Mekks, because it's very bad to draw duplicates and can lose you the game

3x Arrival is a must, you will need it also for summoning Mekks and it's good to guarantee the OTK and protection for Tri-Heart, it's not once per turn which is nice

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