Swordsoul Tenyi

Diamond V from on January 24th, 2023
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Swordsoul remains the most consistent mid-range deck with decent-great matchups against the other relevant decks. This is mainly cause people run triple ash more than they run triple impermanence.

People are using Nibiru again, so add it to your own deck to Crossout. Or you know, use it yourself.


  • +3 cards (2x Heavenly Dragon + 1x Shthana)
    • A bit more resistant to imperm + veiler. Bit more bricky
  • 0-2x pot of desires
    • If you're scared of banishing cards/going to run more one ofs.
    • Bit more bricky, a lot less weaker to Runick
  • 1-2x Veiler
    • Much stronger v.s. mirror and as cross out target
    • Rather add a 3rd Adhara than a 2nd Veiler
  • 2-3x Cosmic Cyclone
    • Strong v.s. Runick but you already have a good Runick matchup. I believe running another Ghost Belle is superior.
  • 0-2x Ghost Belle
    • Dumpsters Runick, Despia, and Cyberse decks
    • Can make a level 10 of your hand was cheeks
    • Remove for more wyrms/veiler
  • 1x D.D. Crow
    • Great Value Ghost Belle that can't be chain-link blocked. Also deals with the issue card.
  • 0x Nibiru
    • I've rarely played around Nib and S.S. is great at board breaking without it.
    • Helps as crossout target for Maxx C challenge, but then, why didn't you crossout the Maxx C?
  • 3x Adhara
    • The Taia of the useful Tenyis. If you get triggered cause you keep banishing both copies with pot of desires.
  • 1x Chaofeng, 0x Phoenix
    • Ashuna + any useful Tenyi makes this card.
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