
Diamond V from on January 8th, 2023
cp-ur 480 + cp-sr 330
40 cards

Notes & Combos

This deck aims to blind second, break boards, and potentially otk your opponent. This was some of the most fun I have had playing Master Duel. The deck has a pretty easy Runick matchup as Vishuda allows you to easily play through most floodgates (TCBOO is tough and Imperial Iron Wall is impossible). Between Vishuda, Draco Masters, Chengying, and staples like Lightning Storm and TTT, there aren't many boards that you can't break. I would say that the Branded matchup was the only one that felt consistently tough as that deck is very hard to otk and recovers very well turn 3.

Prufinesse was my normal summon of choice because you can banish Blackout and synchro summon Crocdragon for a free draw, then you can use Adhara to go into Chengying. It banishes Blackout for cost and many players on the ladder will also refuse to read that card and negate your level gain effect, and if they do that then you end up with Draco Beserker instead. The one Nahata is hilarious in the Dinomorphia matchup and comes up sometimes in other matchups as well. Lightning Storm/TTT/Pakratops were my going second cards of choice as I found them to be the most flexible. I felt like there were too many Runick players on the ladder to justify Lava Golem, and Dark Ruler No More is not a great choice as you don't really end on that many disruptions for your opponent's turn 3 so you need to go for lethal on your turn.

ID: 448-008-885. Replays vs Runick / Branded / Dinomorphia / Pendulum.

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