Traptrix Dogmatika

Diamond V from on January 13th, 2023
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 510
43 cards

Notes & Combos


Basically the same deck I've been running for a bit with minor changes here and there.

From last season, I did remove 1 Maxx C to put the deck to 42 cards, however, getting annoyed with Runick a few too many times, I tossed in Imperial Iron Wall. So far, it hasn't helped, but that's since I haven't drawn it/started with Prison in the Runick matchup. Usually I don't open things to slow them down or the time I opened Anti-Spell, they opened the s/t removal. I got another Anti-Spell the next turn, and with 2 of the s/t destruction put to the bottom of the deck.. they just had the 3rd. Otherwise, I either can't get going or they just open floodgates.

Branded is still a pain as well. Even after going first and stopping 2 things and having them play Super Poly in hand in an Imperm column, they still had Branded Fusion. Beat the field down after that and then they top Aluber with no cards in hand/field/grave to use. I keep thinking about D Barrier again, however, I just haven't tried to fit it in again.

Otherwise, ideally, you want to open Myrm/Mantis + Judgment + a few other good traps. Opening Brigandine/Ecclesia is also nice when you have a Traptrix to get some further advantage, as well as Prison. If you go second, it's usually pray you open a handtrap to stop them/keep things a bit more reasonable. Then, depending on what they have open things to help. Usually Ecclesia is great to get Fleur/block if they can't pop it and have only ED mons.

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