Adventure Prank-Kids

Diamond V from on July 27th, 2022
cp-ur 720 + cp-sr 360
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Some notes for why my deck is like this:

  • 3 pranks instead of 2 because I suck at drawing what I need, so better increase the chances to draw at least one prank XD (you don't have to do this tho).
  • I run no droplet because I wanted to have more handtraps like imperm for when I go second.
  • I prefer the double butler but if you want to run DPE, you can take one of each main pranks to make butler and prob the TD fusion to add the pack for DPE.
  • If you really want droplet, take out one pandemonium and one imperm to add 2 droplets or one of each prank RGB to add 3 droplets.
  • I don't run nib and because of that I don't run crossout. You can play arround nibiru using prank-kids prank by making the nib token into link spider and your prank token into another link spider (or in my case linkuriboh, it works the same way) and with that make Verte. With that you can make Battle Butler (or if you run it, make DPE).
  • Just gonna say, You don't need 2 Battle Butler, prank-kids prank can recycle the one you have in grave after using it and your prank links can also recycle it. So do not worry to much about getting a second one, if you have DPE and only one Butler, just add it until you get the second one (that is if you want a second one LUL).

Hope It helps you all :)

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