Code Talker

Diamond V from on July 19th, 2022
cp-ur 300 + cp-sr 900
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Code Talkers are a link spam combo deck that pretty much just press buttons and make big, hard to out monsters. Opening hand you usually want to see a lady debug or micro coder since they search you into cynet codec, an amazing searcher. As a combo heavy deck, there's not a lot of space for handtraps, but this deck can easily play through almost any handatrap with the exception of maybe nibiru. The main way this deck extends its plays is through cynet codec. When you link summon a code talker, coddec allows you to add any cyberse monster with the same attribute to your hand. This effect is NOT ONCE PER TURN, and just keeps giving you free bodies onto the board.

Your endboard is usually like a tri-gate wizard with 3 co-links, a firewall, a baleynx, and an accesscode with salamangreat sanctuary on the board, which is pretty useful in cases where you summon iblee onto the board. Usually, they'll try to crash iblee onto baleynx to free up their lock, but you can use sanctuary's effect to make baleynx's attack 0, making iblee stay on the board and tilting the flip out of them.

Example Combo

Opening hand: Linkslayer, Micro coder

  1. Special summon linkslayer with effect
  2. Link summon using linkslayer and micro coder's effect in hand to make vanilla code talker
  3. Using micro coder's effect to add cynet codec to hand, or optimization/conflict if you already have
  4. Activate cynet codec and pop off



Player id: 587-474-713

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