Infernoble Knight

Diamond V from on July 16th, 2022
cp-ur 960 + cp-sr 420
44 cards

Notes & Combos

for this deck, at worst(unless you're super unlucky by drawing only handtraps while going 1st) you can make 1 normal summon into DPE via jet synchron or o-lion at best you can end with Borreload, Charles and Colossus/Phoenix Gearfried from any Halq starter, most common endboard are Borreload + Charles with Smoke Grenade and Captain Roland in GY for interruption. You could swap the DPE package into Isolde package for more easy access to Halqdon combo, this deck still have room to improve as well, if I'm in mood, I will try to climb to Diamond 1 with this(or probably the Isolde variant). Just remember if you start with Rite of Aramesir, you can't use Ogier effect on Normal Summon, and vice versa if you start with Ogier, you can't use Rite of Aramesir as well

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