Plunder Patroll

Diamond V from on July 15th, 2022
cp-ur 990 + cp-sr 300
44 cards

Notes & Combos

Just reached D5 with Adventure Plunder Patroll!

Deck is pretty much designed to go second. Your Plunders pop-off if you opponent has monsters on the field or GY. Also comes with a small kaiju package which synergizes well. I also run Super Poly, which you don't have to run.

Going first is okay. Most times its either setting up your Adventure package and/or Toadally Awesome.

Against the "current" meta it does pretty nicely. Going second again PKnights, Tenyi, any combo decks that run dark/light, it does pretty well. Can struggle against Eldlich. Toughest matchup is probably Floo. You can tech cards like Lancea or more spot negate like Veiler if you're running into a lot of Floo.


Super Poly: You can leave this package out. If you do, add Dragnite to your extra deck and another copy of Patrollship Lys. Or you can sub out Whale for Dragostepelia.

Kaiju: Also not super needed. But the synergy and removal is insane. If you dont want this, add more Plunders like Golden Hair and Blackeyes.

Nibiru: I personally dont run Nib since a lot of people are running Gryphon Rider, but if you play Nib, add Geonator to your Extra.

Droplet/Evenly Matched: Very good going second cards. I prefer Imperm over Droplet right now because of Floo. And Imperm over Veiler because of Called By. Evenly matched is good in this deck too.


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