Invoked Dogmatika Shaddoll

Diamond V from on June 6th, 2022
cp-ur 930 + cp-sr 690
47 cards

Notes & Combos

This is actually one of the most consistent "Invoked Shaddoll"-esque deck I've ever played.

Here's the basic list of plays that you can do :

  • 1 P.U.N.K Foxy Tune + 1 other card for discard fodder OR 1 P.U.N.K Ze Amin + 1 other card = VFD + draw 2 cards + 1 set spell / trap pop from P.U.N.K trap (+ optional pop 2 cards for turn 2)

  • 1 Aleister = Mechaba (Omni Negate)

  • 1 Generaider Field Spell = Harr / Hela (Omni Negate + free 3k body)

  • 1 Dogmatika Maximus = Shaddoll Winda (Floodgate) + 1 monster negate

You can easily combine all of these plays easily in order to create better endboard. For Example :

Aleister + Foxy Tune + 1 discard fodder card =

  1. Normal Summon Aleister > search Invocation
  2. Activate Foxy Tune by discarding both Foxy & 1 other card in your hand > Sp Summon P.U.N.K Madame > activate Madame to search P.U.N.K trap card
  3. Link to Halqi by using Aleister + Madame >Sp summon Deskbot > use Invocation with Aleister + Foxy > Mechaba
  4. Link to Auroradon > Sp summon 3 Tokens + Deskbot
  5. Activate Auroradon > Sp Summon O-Lion (Auroradon + 1 Token)
  6. Synchro to Garden Rose Maiden (1 token + O-Lion) > Sp summon 1 token
  7. Synchro to Coral Dragon (Deskbot + Maiden)
  8. Synchro to Croco (Coral + 1 token) > activate Coral & Croco to draw 2 cards
  9. Activate Maiden in GY > Sp summon Coral Dragon
  10. Synchro to Shenshen (Coral + 1 Token)
  11. Xyz to VFD (Shenshen + Croco)

Endboard = VFD + 1 Sp/trap pop + draw 2 cards + Mechaba + Shenshen on next turn.


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