
Diamond V from on June 13th, 2022
cp-ur 630 + cp-sr 630
41 cards

Notes & Combos

With cupid pitch, the extra deck is complete. For non-majestic versions, this extra deck is ALMOST UNCHANGEABLE. The synchro I use the least is stardust charge warrior, but he still comes up because he's a level 6.

Jester Vs Caligo Claw Crow:

  • You can choose to use Caligo Claw Crow since it's a dark extender and can be searched from cupid pitch. However Jester is a level 1, not once per turn, and easier to summon, and thus more flexible.

Hand Trap Options:

  • Ideally aim for targets that are Chaos Ruler targets like Veiler, D.D. Crow. Psy-Framegear Gamma adds an addition garnet. Ash needed to counter Maxx "C".

Combo Hands:

  1. Junk Synchron + Doppel Warrior/Junk Converter.
  2. Stardust Synchron(level 3 via Illumination)+ Doppel Warrior.
  3. Stardust Synchron + Jester Confit
  4. Stardust Synchron + Stardust trial (via Yazi lines)

Ideal End board:

  • Herald of the Arc Light in EMZ protected by Cyberse Synchron
  • Baronne De Fleur
  • Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Abyss
  • Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon
  • PSY_Framelord Omega hand rip
  • Interruptions via T.G. Hyper Librarian draws


  1. Targeted negation/destruction e.g.: Imperm/Veiler
  2. Consistency issues because of (soft) garnets and unworkable hands
  3. Not cheap. Extra deck monsters come from different packs.
  4. Every play will change depending on hand, interactions, and mills.


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