Branded Despia

Diamond V from on November 14th, 2022
cp-ur 900 + cp-sr 300
41 cards

Notes & Combos

Reject beta Branded Albaz

Embrace chad Branded Buster

This deck is funny and the buster lock synergies very well with branded. All you have to do is perform the simple branded line and make sure to use mirrorjade to dump albion and banish aluber. Then during draw phase of ur opponent, flip prologue, which u can search off the welp or trap trick, send memories and and buster blader and then chain memories. Lock is complete and u have become gigachad.

Also if u manage to draw the buster destruction sword you can discard it with lubellion or opening so that you can also lock ur opponent out of extra as well.

Player ID: 756-779-764


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