Chain Burn

Diamond V from on November 21st, 2022
cp-ur 660 + cp-sr 780
45 cards

Notes & Combos

45 Cards because I wanted to lower the risk with multiple Pot of Desires.

Chain Burn is much better situated in the Ranked Ladder right now because it has a positive match up with Branded Despia, and its worst match up just lost the card that made it the worst match up: Barrier Statue of Winds is banned.

Always try to go second because opponent playing Harpie's Feather Duster is much less likely to blow out on turn 3 than turn 2. We're more likely to have our cards live on turn 2 than turn 3 because opponent should have put cards on the board. Also, Lava Golem is a great answer at the moment as well.

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