
Diamond V from on November 15th, 2022
cp-ur 720 + cp-sr 660
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Big note from me is that this Eldlich list I only used to get from Plat 1 to Diamond 5. I used Salamangreats from Plat 2 and below. Due to a huge number of Branded Albaz decks in Plat 1 or some variants of it I decided to switch to this deck because my Salads just keeps losing to them. Don't mind the extra deck. They are only fodders for the pot cards except for Link Spider and Vampire Sucker and even both of them come up in niche situations.

My (probably) spices

  • Imperm - Mainly for Floowandereeze and gives me some interaction when I go second and with it being a trap, its not a brick with both of Eldlich's effects

  • Dimension Barrier - My somewhat anti meta card with that can turn off top meta decks with Floowandereeze being an exception (and since I can't afford There can only be one haha)

  • 2 Lord of Heavenly Prisons - Since I somehow draw atleast 2 of them for some reason when I run 3 good card for to protect your set back row

  • Harpie's Feather Duster - Spicy against the mirror and Traptrix

  • Guardian of the Golden Land - Good doggo give me Eldlixirs since Conquistador is limited. Good defense stat also when in a pinch

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