
Diamond V from on November 19th, 2022
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 270
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Definitely more of a for-fun deck than a super serious one. The aim is to try to get up Mighty Master/Jackal King with 1-2 of the Majespecter monsters and spell/traps. Some hands can even allow you to end with Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon and/or Village of the Spellcasters.

Servant is the best card in the deck as it allows you to get one of your bosses on the board and can then be linked off with your normal summon (ideally Bunbuku) to get access to Beyond the Pendulum. You can replace the TTT/DRNM/Lightning Storm with handtraps, but I would advise against it as the deck really struggles to break boards without committing too much resources into Accesscode/Selene + scale effect Mighty Master. 3x Upstart + 3x Chicken Game almost always guarantees that you find the right scales or draw into a board breaker when going second.

Master Duel ID: 448-008-885. Replays vs Eldlich/Scareclaw/Adamancipator.

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