
Diamond V from on November 13th, 2022
cp-ur 690 + cp-sr 660
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Perfect end board to aim for would be Heatsoul+Bagooska+set Conflict which is pretty much gg unless they have Lava Golem,especially vs Meta decks like Despia,Swordsoul and Flunder.Most cards in the deck are there to help with that gameplan,nothing to crazy.

I used this exact list from G5 to D5 with around 70% winrate(would have probably been around 75% if i played perfectly every game).

Salamangreat Meer: It gives you another extender to search with Circle/Mining,also it can prevent OTK by using Circle add on opp turn but that rarely comes up.You can cut it for 3rd Jaguar if you dislike it.

Parallel Exceed: Easy Bagooska acces or Link climb into Heatsoul+linguriboh if you happen to brick and open any monster handtrap except Nib(thanks to Almiraj).Also amazing board breaker,you can use it early on in the combo to make Bagooska and shut down opp board,then continue your plays possibly make Accesscode pop their board and OTK(if you make him with Update Jammer).

Micro Coder+Conflict package: Another extender that searches omni negate counter trap.Keep in mind that it can also be used alongside any monster handtrap except Nib to make Code Talker and search Mining,which then can add Meer and give you Heatsoul acces.


My Master Duel ID: 578-960-703

Combo video:

My youtube channel if interested in gameplay replays with the deck:

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