Branded Despia

Diamond V from on October 24th, 2022
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 420
41 cards

Notes & Combos

This is a sample public notes template using markdown, keep it as it is or delete it if you don't want to submit notes. Tested this out from Gold V all the up to Diamond V will continue testing to Diamond I and will update if any changes were made. My main combo is to bring out a Mirror Jade or Albion with eradicator set on first turn. With Mirrorjade i will hold on to get pluses from effect with albion i'll immediately activate EEV and call out spells it usually ends or hurts opp a ton. With Albion search at EP ill use another BF next turn to summon my blue eyes tyrant with hex and albaz. That fusion lets me recycle my EEV or Impermance. I WILL NEVER RUN MORE THAN A 2-2-2 chain patchwork engine. I test this deck out for local TCG as well but main the Branded banishment since that is my fourth Super Poly. That's also why I am currntly using 1 Called by the Grave. Leave feedback and what y'all think. Thanks.

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