
Diamond V from on September 22nd, 2022
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 330
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Weird handtap ratios? Imper is the best handtrap of those but both Veiler and Nibiru are Light monster so in case you ever need Light for 2nd Branded Fusion those are your targets.Nibiru has another purpose of enabling 1.5 card Kitt OTK combo(same combo as Aluber OTK in Despia).Them making Designator better is just a bonus.

Low Golgonda and Springans count? Both Kitt and Branded Fusion are your starters,you don't need to open Golgonda to make a play in this version.Your worst hands will always be the ones with a lot of Springans monsters or the ones with multiple Golgonda,so by playing very minimalistic engine you are lowering the chances of that happening while still having good amount of your Springan engine cards.

Golgonda acces: 3 Golgonda,3 Watch and 1 Booty was doing great for me.Only 1 Booty is cause Booty+Golgonda is doing nothing where Watch+Golgonda is full combo.If you want you can play 2nd Booty but I woudln't advise any more "Golgonda cards" then that.

Springans: 3 Kitt,2Rockey,2Brothers,1 Branga,1 Pedor is what i found to be perfect for this version.Only one that's cutable is Pedor,main reason i ran him is to have counter to Ash/Veiler/Imper on Merrymaker,and i can acces it with Watch.Sargas is bad as you never end on XYZ in this version.


My Master Duel ID: 578-960-703

Gameplay: https://youtu.be/4IQWxLEBCG4 , https://youtu.be/5v39bdH_AKU

Combos: https://youtu.be/txe1ELUrUP4 , https://youtu.be/-4_CkdLTucE

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