Adventure Prank-Kids

Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on August 14th, 2022
cp-ur 960 + cp-sr 210
43 cards

Notes & Combos

Prank-kids Adventure, what a surprise. Enjoy the multiple Meow-Meow-Mu while it lasts.

Thunder Dragon Fusion shows up mostly to help with either recursion or a heavier end-board if it's drawn into via Rocksies somehow, otherwise you have the option of ending the board with preferably the Wandering Gryphon Rider and Bow-Wow/Pandemonium or a DPE. Personally I prefer going the Battle Butler route, but DPE is always a good failsafe in case you get heavily interrupted or do not fear the Super Poly.

Ghost Ogres are chosen as the additional handtrap due to the heavy amount of Floo/Adventure, Veilers help with Selene/Accesscode route, and there's often enough bodies to force Underworld Goddess as a just-in-case option. Truth be told you can probably drop her for a second Link Spider if one finds themselves stuck with the Tokens for too long.

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