Code Talker

Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on August 13th, 2022
cp-ur 600 + cp-sr 840
50 cards

Notes & Combos

This is a going first code talker deck. Goal is to make full combo: U Board (extra link) Iblee lock or short combo Firewall Iblee lock.

The deck plays 50 cards in order to be able to play 12 hand traps and Crossout. Small World is added to keep consistency ratios at this size of the deck.

Mathmech Subtraction and Cross Debug are important extenders. Mathmech Subtraction lets you play through DPE if you open Cynet Mining. Cross Debug lets you extend into short combo (Firewall Iblee lock) if Transcode gets negated.

I'm playing 2 Firewall Guardians over the 3rd Iblee because it allows for more consistent OTKs going second. It allows you to chain block just like Iblee, but can get you into an OTK with a 2 card combo instead of 3. Iblee is sometimes bad going second because you need 3 cards to OTK and you use up your hand with hand traps.

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