
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on August 11th, 2022
cp-ur 600 + cp-sr 630
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Only floodgates needed is summon limit and order 2 or more floodgates in your hand feels unnecessary and limits your own plays and can get bricky. Ed is run whatever I refuse to craft Dino xyzs. Ifu want replays I can post them. Trqptrick and sanguine restrict you so make gooder choices 1 Lilith cause 4 normals

My main combo turn 1 is x y z

for turn 2 I do B


Checkout my replays!

Player id: xxx-xxx-xxx

  • Replay1: vs Dark Magician Guy

  • Replay2: vs Witchcrafters Expert

  • Replay3: vs Blue-Eyes White Dragon Kaiba

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