
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on August 18th, 2022
cp-ur 810 + cp-sr 480
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Replays with ritual dogma, a ritual control archetype, so dont expect to much

Player ID: 622-628-823 Checkout my replays!

  • Replay1: Just a 2 card combo endboard under 5 summons, the oponent did had nibiru in hand

  • Replay2: Grass VS Maxx C... Grass IDS vs me going turn 1

  • Replay3: vs Pure Prank-kids... with no adventure

  • Replay4: vs Eldlich

  • Replay5: bulling a Utopia player

OBS: just the 1 replay is in Duel Cup kind of prefer pure but kind of to hard if you are not using DPE, halquidon, adventure or a combination

why adventure ?

church + adventure = deus vult

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