
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on August 11th, 2022
cp-ur 660 + cp-sr 660
40 cards

Notes & Combos

back at it again with the birbs

ok so there is a LOT of nonsense running around high ladder like atlantean handloop, kitchen sink, stun, floo up the wazoo, adventure stuff, etc. However I didn't struggle at all up until my rank up match for the max level in which I would brick EVERY time my rank up match came around lol. This deck is well equipped to deal with the current strategies propagating ladder.

I couldn't get my hand on this card in time but I HIGHLY recommend investing in Ghost Reaper and Winter Cherries w/ targeted extra deck cards like halqdon stuff,DPE,arrival cyberse,colossus, chixiao, etc because it is an AUTO win button if you open it going 2nd and sometimes going 1st (try to be careful with prosperity banishes)

I noticed that people were stocking up more on hand traps for this event while climbing so I felt like cross out was necessary along with Ash in order to not pass on normal summon robina 9/10 games.

Dimension shifter is the MVP of the deck and Book of Moon is amazing in every matchup but the mirror. Some other tech choices I thought of that you could include depending on what matchups you struggle against the most were E-Con, Ghost Ogre, Galaxy Cyclone, DRNM, Red Reboot. Just go wild if you feel like it.

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