
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on August 13th, 2022
cp-ur 1020 + cp-sr 330
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Simple tutorial on Evil Twins,

Searchers: 3 Secret password, 3 Sunny's Snitch Starters: 3 Live Twin Ki-sikil, 3 Live Twin Lil-La Extenders: 1 Evil-twin Home, 2 Frost, 1 Treat Failsafe: Challenge

Make sure your starter and extenders are of different colours. I.e. You have Lil-la in hand, you want a frost. You have Ki-sikil, you want a treat. If you already have a starter and extender, you can search for challenge with your password.

Going first you would normally summon Link Ki-sikil first then go into a draw. However, when you are going 2nd, I would advise starting with the same colour as your starter, so your extender will also work if you get impermed.

People might mald at "Why are you running only 1 maxx "C"?" This is my personal preference. There are a lot of Floowandereeze in the ladder (By a lot I mean a LOT). Maxx "C" is a dead draw against them when you need 2 hand traps to stop their play most of the time. Also, a lot of eldlich, and maxx "C" is to slow and reaps too little benefit against them. Playing other handtraps would have higher immediate impact.

Monster reborn is a beast of a card, and unlike chaos creator, it functions as an extender pre-trouble sunny. You don't have a sacrifice 1 card from hand to trigger sunny to summon it back. AND it can be set down again via Knightmare Gryphon, your pseudo floodgate. Tribute sunny, summon below an extra zone, then link.


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Player id: 912-876-524

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