
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on August 13th, 2022
cp-ur 540 + cp-sr 780
40 cards

Notes & Combos


So for this deck I tried a lot of things. I tried to play with a lot of handtraps with crossout, i tried to play with of lot of backrow, none worked really well. In the end i believe this is pretty much the most consistent decklist.

Droll is surely not as good as maxx c, but it doesn't eat crossout and it can completely shutdown your opponent turns if he starts with water enchanteress. Also it makes you auto win vs flowandereeze, where maxx c is a dead card. Some decks will still be able to play, adventure tenyi for exemple, but you take them off the counter trap and some other stuff, making the unbreakable board they usually make, breakable.

I played order and fragrance to counter the adventure package and the goind second decks playing backrow removal, but you can change these 2cards for other stuff. I didn't really draw them during my games.

For the extra deck, you can remove pyro phoenix if you want for another balelynx+ wolf. I like him because i play a lot with will of the salamangreat, which you could cut to 1 for more space. The point with pyro is to have another option to break the opponent's board. Accesscode can do that, but if he gets negated, you are dead next turn. In the other hand, if pyro gets negated, you can still win with your traps and a rage that could potentially pop 4cards.

In summary, this is not a top tier deck, but could be a great outsider. You can beat anyone, but not everytime.

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