Adventure Prank-Kids

Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on December 17th, 2022
cp-ur 720 + cp-sr 300
40 cards

Notes & Combos

For turn one my fucus was bow-wow plus a negate that you can achieve with any name plus adventure combo or any name plus a poly. The 2 parallel exceed are just there for a free dweller on turn 1 or to help you link climb for game on turn 3. Another end board could be Rip Roarin plus butler with any 2 different prank kids

for turn 3 if I couldn't go for game i tried to make verte, send thunder fusion so i could search nemesis corredor and with that return meaw mu so I had guaranteed follow up

Going second any 2 diferent prank kids are accesscode and a body to make verte and butler


Turn 1 combos! |I forgot to save the "good" replays :, (

Player id: 346-018-900

  • Replay1: Turn 1 bow wow plus 2 negates

  • Replay2: Turn one butler plus rip-roarin

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