
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on December 11th, 2022
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 480
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Deck performed super well for me. To note I recommend running 2x Majesty Hyperion instead of 1x Master Hyperion and 1x Majesty. The reason being it makes a huge deal that Majesty can be SS both from hand/graveyard whereas Master is only hand so it makes Majesty a better target for Herald of Orange light if necessary and also Trias is a great target since they can both still function from GY. Having good foresight is key to knowing when and how many faries to banish from your own GY (Pre-emptively) with Majesty is important so you can summon Kristya for free after searching her. Triple Trias is a godsend at avoiding Imperms and Veilers or other targeted disruption on Diviner, have an eye open for when that sort of play is worth/necessary. Love the added protection against Maxx C fairy decks have due to being able to run Orange Light. I can provide some replays if interested.

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