Ancient Warriors

Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on December 16th, 2022
cp-ur 630 + cp-sr 630
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Pure Ancient Warriors blind second OTK list i reached DLVL max with. Any two Ancient Warrior monsters or a monster and the spell guarantees an OTK. No Maxx C + Nibiru as i faced more backrow/control than combo decks. Extra deck except for DDL is just filler for Extrav. You can swap around the Ash for Imperm as it doesnt conflict with Lu Feng and Dark ruler no more for the droplet, though that would mean you most likely cant OTK anymore. Droplet was amazing in the Runick matchup though, as you can chain droplet to negate their Hugin when you Duster their backrow. Overall i reached DLVL max from DLVL 1 in about 50 games with ~65% winrate. The deck will only get better with future support coming in the next few sets.

Example combo with Tenki/Sun Mou + Three Visits + Lu Feng:

  1. Activate Tenki, search Sun Mou, activate Three Visits, normal Sun Mou, activate Three Visits Eff, search Zhuge Kong and activate him to special, then activate Sun Mou to bounce an opponents monster
  2. Activate Sun Mou, send Three Visits, search Guan Yun or Zhang Yuan, activate Three Visits in GY, special the previously searched monster
  3. Link summon Double Dragon Lords with Sun Mou and Zhuge Kong, activate DDL to search Zhang De, special Zhang De and Lu Feng from hand
  4. Lu Feng to non target pop an opponents monster and if you summoned Zhang Yuan you can pop any other card on the field
  5. You still have a bounce left with DDL and can now attack for game
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