
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on December 15th, 2022
cp-ur 930 + cp-sr 480
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Blue-Eyes with three engines: Invoked, Branded, and Fusion Destiny. Blue-Eyes' best card is Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon, which provides continuous destruction protection to your field. It can also bounce 1 card and revive itself every turn, but ONLY if BEWD is in the GY. Your gameplan is to use Invocation to discard LIGHT monsters in your hand and Branded Fusion to foolish whichever Blue-Eyes or White Stone you need in the GY.

Since all three engines are fusion-based, they're tend to be interchangeable at times. Invocation can be used to fusion summon Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon or Albion. If you start with a Destiny HERO, you can foolish the other piece with Branded Fusion and use Lubellion to fusion summon DPE.


  • Blue-Eyes Tyrant Dragon is primarily just an emergency Invocation target, although it wins certain trap deck matchups. It can also reset Infinite Impermanence from the GY after attacking.
  • You can use the leftover Lubellion from the Branded combo as material for Invoked Augoeides.
  • If you control two copies of Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon, NONE of your cards can be destroyed by card effect.
  • If your opponent is primarily playing Dragons (ex. Dragon Link), you can set Fallen of Albaz in facedown position, then contact fusion Alba-Lenatus using all dragon monsters your opponent controls.
    • Note that Alba-Lenatus cannot be used as fusion material, and is immune to Super Polymerization and Fallen of Albaz.

Feel free to adjust ratios and replace staples as needed.

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