Branded Predaplant

Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on December 11th, 2022
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 570
46 cards

Notes & Combos

A take on Branded Predaplant using the DPE engine as an extra target for Cobra, if you already had Branded Fusion access. Added that since the non DPE version lacked the grindgame of normal Branded and was worse at removing Spell/Traps, which DPE helps with.

You basically trade some of the consistency of vanilla Branded for an even higher power ceiling endboard, this also gives you a really good matchup against other Branded builds. The Cosmics and Ogres are a concession to how weird the Cup has been with Runick and random stun decks, a few weeks ago they'd probably be Maxx C+Veiler.

A good thing to know also, if you start with Keeper and they save Veiler/Imperm for your Albion, Keeper can summon back Albaz from grave to let you fuse with MJade on field and also get Albion's search. Came up a few times.

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