Branded Predaplant

Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on December 13th, 2022
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 450
40 cards

Notes & Combos

card choices: Not a particularly revolutionary list. Not playing romarin cause that card is dogshit. I'd consider not playing verte/dharc but it did come up in games where i played vs labrynth and they managed to repeatedly use lady + d barrier. I'd consider linkuriboh/mudragon instead of chimera 2/verte/dharc.

Only playing 2 predapractice for some strange reason. It kinda worked out. I didn't open the new pack and was out of UR dust so I don't have the new big predap fusion either.

Albion was a better upstart that could set up branded in red or protect your fusions by sending opening. The predap trif gaming fusion was absolutely based and allowed for a lot of otks iwhen paired with with triantis. Similarly, triantis at one was a really good include. It synergizes really well with the froggy guy and is a beatstick off practice.

I somewhat wish I ran red reboot.

matchups: vs runick: 50/50 without dedicated techs to beat that deck. Going first your odds improve dramatically. If they resolve demise or set 2 floodgates (hopefully not both) the odds of winning drop dramatically. Easily the worst match up.

vs Labrynth: winning m/o. They only win if one bricks or they open floodgates.

vs mirror: LOL, LMAO, Searchable super poly. I did not lose a single mirror match.

vs swoswo: pray you dont brick. As long you can stick a mirrorjade, the match up is favorable.

vs everything else: idk win?

Just open good 4head.

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