Branded Predaplant

Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on December 10th, 2022
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 420
41 cards

Notes & Combos

heavily but not exclusively inspired by the DBgrinders list, adjusted for MD

droplet/cosmic optional

I've seen so much runick, it would have been good to run cosmic cyclone over imperm, something I consider for the second stage

runick easily dies to an ash on the field/demise compared to this decks engine, it's wild

even with a normal summon amano iwato from them, I literally just wait it out

then turn 2/3 use banishment/prime +/ bufolicula and triantis to otk, ashing the fountain, or summoning predapower + a predator counter anywhere on the field to negate it

against specifically runick it's ok to put like 4 resources into that, cus then after it's an easy otk with a second preda combo/prime/snow/banishment/second branded fusion/even predapractice summon triantis

handtraps main purpose now is to end turns as much as possible or keep them if not multiple, so, ash only for C/fountain/branded fusion and such, imperm for lubellion/electrumite/hugin/apo/jackal, else keep to chew through negates

endboard from any two predaplants or one instant fusion turn 1 is mj, stapelia, set prime, set banishment, snow in grave if drawn or byblisp drawn&sent opening/aluber/drawn branded fusion for interrupted preda combos

might change a bit. The lower card number you go, the more you draw instant fusion. Prosperity was losing me grindy games but might reconsider, since it equals more instant fusion

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