
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on December 16th, 2022
cp-ur 900 + cp-sr 510
43 cards

Notes & Combos

I love this deck was the first deck that I played competitively irl. Right now is really strong vs runick/despia and has a really good matchup against all other decks in my opinion. Its clearly a going 1st deck you want to set as much negates as possible and if you happend to know by any chance what you are playing against its easier to decide between the monster or magic/trap negate.

I tried playing DRNM and actually saved me a couple of games but most times I usually draw into it as a dead card so I decided to cut it. Experimented with small world too, good card but not my cup of tea. You can easily break some serious boards going 2nd Endymion TMM is your best friend for it since it can play around effect negates such as skill drain the only way to stop it from popping the field is by targeting the activation from the backrow.

You can cut union carrier lock also astrograph didnt use them as much as it seems but its nice to have them as options regardless. Beyond pendulum is mostly is brick situations since it stops your cards from gaining counters until you PS so keep that in mind.

You will learn most combos by playing the deck and when to negate or not something and whichs cards you want to recycle with TMM + selene. Magister is your best flex option in the field since it can summon a spell or monster negate ASAP you know what you playing against.

SVOTS is self explanatory kills lots of decks but beware runick destruction is a quick spell. Any questions in coments

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