
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on December 12th, 2022
cp-ur 540 + cp-sr 690
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Ever wondered why there are not so many Labrynth decks at DLvMAX? Well, because it sucks. Don't get me wrong, when controlling is INSANE, but it's really hard to get there. Really enjoyed playing it tho.

Notes and advices from my experience:

  • You MUST play 3 Stovie and Chandraglier. Those are your only chances to win going second.
  • Chaos Hunter and Epidemic Virus are Runick counters. Very satisfying to use a Virus on Runick, btw.
  • Heavenly Prison is REALLY GOOD. Protects backrow and can set ANY spell/trap. Very nasty out for bricks.
  • Don't play 4 Pots. I always opened 2 when playing 4. You can play 3 Extravagance instead of a single Prosperity.
  • Compulsory is the best trap for Labrynth. You need to play it at 3.
  • Only 1 Trap Trick so it works as a third copy of every trap at 2. You can run more copies if you want.
  • Never really used the Extra Deck. Honestly you only need 2 N'tss and 2 Link 1, but I made the ED to cover any situation.
  • Linkuriboh and Anima are for Back Jack. Can be replaced for Almiraj.
  • Maybe I'm the one who sucks.
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