
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on December 14th, 2022
cp-ur 480 + cp-sr 900
40 cards

Notes & Combos

My personal take on a Runick Madolche deck. It's a very fun grind game between the Runick cards, Tiaramisu, and Glassouffle. Lots of good interruption and different things you can do to interrupt your opponent and/or break their board. Almost every hand is playable unless you get super unlucky. Three Hootcakes are run over the typical two in Madolches because Hootcake + any Runick spell is the entire Madolche small combo with Gravity Controller.

I have one replay of this to show a longer grind game against someone, player ID is 289-874-243. Replay is a 16 turn game against iMaffer.

Overall the deck is very fun and I highly recommend it if you have interest in it. If you have any questions, feel free to ping me in the Madolche channel on the Discord and I'll be happy to answer!

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