
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on December 11th, 2022
cp-ur 720 + cp-sr 570
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Marincess towards the end of Duelist Cup, was tired of losing coin flip and not having a chance and wanted something outside of the meta that could also answer it well (among other rogue strategies). Was fairly consistent and with low handtrap decks running around, turn 1 felt like an FTK

Bagooska bc i dont own Stealth Kragen Crystal Heart only came up sometimes, can be flex spot 3 Cynet for max consistency, never felt like it was a bad card to have in hand, helped make stronger turn 1 plays 3 pascalus just because i never felt like u brick on it too hard and i just wanted more names Sleepy maiden for the 1 card argonaut play Droll and Ghost Belle to 1: droll specifically answer the heavy search/draw meta (end games on its own) 2: belle negate Fountain, protects against called by and other such banishing spells, and good against some graveyard reviving stuff generically (even the Labrynth furniture) No droplet bc it didnt feel like there was any boards to break and absolutely bricked on backrow heavy decks No nib bc nib is nonexistent this format

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